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R E C O R D * S T U F F * E L E V A T O R S

Early 1995 EP... consists of four songs (LEAVES, AWAY, DOWNER and MYGOD.EXE). Downer and Mygod.exe eventually made it to Bloodstream of the Planet EP with the latter's title changed to The Invisible Sound Of Alcohol. Leaves was recorded at the defunct Etnikus Studio while Downer was done at Joey Ayala's former studio in Catalunan Pequeo, Davao City. Downer and Mygod.exe were screwed at Home Studio using boombox 1972 model to achieve a very LO FI sound.

Martians Go Home Music (Single, Boombox Version)
The birth of the Martians... first aired through NU 107 with the help of DJ April. The record was so damn LO FI good...
And then there's a single...
This single was released independently under Angrycomets production in mid 1997. Consists of two songs.. the legendary Martian's Go Home Music (Studio Version) and a cover of Melvin's The Cow, this Single kicked some ass. With only 100 copies released, this record is as rare as a diamond. In fact only Junax had a copy of this single... the other guys who had it are truly damn lucky... well, in our own god damn opinion...
Bloodstream of the Planet EP
The latest EP the band ever produced. Consists of six "idontcareifudontlikeit" songs... Martians Go Home Music, Dextrose Statics, Impervious But Dulcet, Downer, Endorphins & Invisible Sound Of Alcohol. Released mid 1999 by the ever reliable source of underground production, Angrycomets... and aired through NU 107 Davao.

YouTube Upload (Martians Go Home Music)...

YouTube Upload (Impervious But Dulcet...)

YouTube Upload (Downer...)

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